Sunday, April 12th, is Easter Sunday. We will celebrate a Solemn Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist at 10:00 AM, followed by fellowship and refreshments in our parish hall. Easter Sunday, known anciently as Holy Pascha, the Christian Passover, is the Feast of Feasts. It is the most important day in human history! You will not want to miss it!!!
There will be joyous Easter hymns, Gregorian chant, Paschal Scripture readings, an uplifting sermon, the blessing of Holy Communion, red Easter Eggs, and refreshments and warm fellowship in our parish hall. The church will be filled with beautiful flowers, the Paschal Candle will herald Christ's Resurrection from the dead, and the liturgical colour will be a festive white.
Holy Cross Orthodox Church is a faithful and friendly church, and everyone is always welcome! We are located at 7545 Main Street, in the Ralston Suburb of Omaha, Nebraska. For more information visit our parish website at: or call (402) 573-6558. I am looking forward to seeing you on the Feast of Feasts.
The ancient Christian Paschal greeting, still used among Orthodox Christians, is "Christ is Risen!," with the response, "He is Risen Indeed!"
English: Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
Hebrew: Ha Masheeha houh quam! Be emet quam!
Gaelic: Taw creest ereen! Taw shay ereen guhdyne!
Anglo-Saxon: Crist aras! Crist sodhlice aras!
Welsh: Atgyfododd Crist! Atgyfododd yn wir!
Greek: Christos anesti! Alithos anesti!
Latin: Christus resurrexit! Vere resurrexit!
Russian: Khristos voskrese! Voistinu voskrese!
Coptic: Pchristos aftooun! Alethos aftooun!
Ethiopian: Christos t'ensah em' muhtan! Exai' ab-her eokala!
"Christ is Risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing Life!"
Christ is Risen - Our Joy!