Friday, August 23, 2019

HOLY CROSS PARISH NEWS — August 23, 2019

There is a lot going on in the life of Holy Cross parish, so please invest a few minutes and read all about, then pass the news on to anyone who may be interested.

POTLUCK LUNCHEON — This Coming Sunday, August 25th

This coming Sunday is our monthly Potluck Luncheon. As always, members of our church family are asked to bring a Main Dish, or a Side Dish and a Desert. Visitors are our guests and do not have to bring a thing. We always have a wonderful time at our monthly potlucks, so be sure to invite family and friends. See you there!


Holy Cross parish will soon be undergoing more renovations as we continue to improve and beautify our church facilities. 

Bathrooms in the church and the parish hall will be renovated, the interior of the church with the exception of the (liturgically) east wall will be painted, and the carpeting in the church will be replaced with wood-look vinyl planking. The new, hard floor will greatly improve the acoustics in the church and the new paint will give the chapel a fresh look.

All renovation work will be done on weekdays and there will be no interruptions of Sunday Services or fellowship. We are excited about the continuing renovations, and I know you will love the new look!


Holy Cross parish will hold its annual Summer Church Picnic on Sunday, September 8th, immediately following the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist. 

Matins will be omitted on that day and the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist will be moved up to 9:30 AM. There will be no fellowship after the Liturgy so everyone will be free to proceed to the picnic. Directions to the picnic will be available at the church.

We will be grilling hamburgers and hotdogs, and there will be other entrees, as well as sides, deserts and drinks.  Members of the Holy Cross church family are asked to bring any two items for the picnic:  Main Dish, Side Dish, Desert, or Drink. Visitors are our guests and do not have to bring a thing. There is no cost to take part in the picnic. Just come and have fun!

Everyone always has a wonderful time at our Summer Church Picnic. There is plenty of good food and warm fellowship, so be sure to invite family and friends. Everyone is welcome. The Christian Life is the Good Life at Holy Cross parish!


On Sunday, September 29th, I will be celebrating thirty-five years in the ordained ministry, and Cheri and I will be celebrating thirty-five years in Christian ministry together. Thirty-five years of service to God and his people is indeed something to celebrate!

A celebratory Luncheon will be held in the parish hall immediately after the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist. There is no cost for the luncheon and the public is warmly invited, so be sure to invite family and friends. Let’s us celebrate together thirty-five years of Christian service, and pray that the next thirty-five years of ministry will be both joyful and fruitful!


Christian Education for the 2019—2020 term begins on Sunday, October 6th. Normally Christian Education resumes sometime in Mid-September, but with the busy month already planned for Holy Cross parish in September it was thought better to postpone the beginning of the term until the first Sunday in October.

I will be teaching the adult class. The theme of the class will be First Century Christianity (Jude 3), and the class will likely take up the entire term. The class will run from 8:30 AM to 9:10 AM, followed by Matins at 9:15 AM.

Since 1844, with the discovery of Codex Sinaiticus, there has been a tremendous and rapidly increasing number of archeological and textual discoveries that shed light on and clarify the Apostolic Faith. The discoveries are now coming so fast that it is hard to keep up. Today, scholarship knows far more about Second Temple Judaism and First Century Christianity than at anytime since the second century. 

This class will be looking at the archeological and textual discoveries, reading through important documents such as the Didache, and seeking to understand, apply and live the “faith once delivered unto the saints”(Jude 3) in the first century. This will be an exciting and challenging class as there is much for Christians to learn and some things to unlearn. The public is invited to attend, and there is no cost for the class.


As you all know, I am a simple country parson, and I love the simple pleasures of life. I am attaching for you a link to a song sung by country singer Brad Paisley. The song is called, Try a Little Kindness. In the song, we are called on to, “Try a little kindness, show a little kindness, shine your light for everyone to see…, then overlook the blindness of narrow minded people on their narrow minded screed.” This is good advice indeed. I think this song will touch your soul, warm your heart and lift your spirit. I know that is what it did for me.

Here is the link. Enjoy!


Sunday Matins is at 9:15 AM, followed by the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist at 10:00 AM, with our monthly Potluck Luncheon immediately at the Liturgy. Everyone is invited, and visitors are always welcome. We are a faithful and friendly congregation, and we have a place for you. I hope to see you on Sunday!

7545 Main Street
Ralston, Nebraska 68127
(402) 573-6558

Friday, August 2, 2019


“Jesus never asks for admirers, worshipers, or adherents. No, he calls disciples. It is not adherents of a teaching, but followers of a life Christ is looking for.” — Søren Kierkegaard

There are many reasons why people attend a church. Some attend out of habit, some because they like the music, the pastor or the programs. Others attend because they think an organization will save them, or because the church represents their specific ethnic group, or because it suits their political or social views. 

People attend various churches for all sorts of reasons, but there is really only one good reason — to be a follower, a disciple of Christ. That is what we are all about at Holy Cross parish. We seek to be genuine disciples of Christ, living by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God, and worshipping God in spirit and in truth; accepting everyone right where they are, and growing together in Christlikeness in the school of charity (love) that is the local church.

There can be no place for sinful pride, for self-righteous arrogance, or for legalism, judgmentalism and a spirit of condemnation in such a church. For we know that God is love, that He loves each of us as though there were only one of us, and that the mission of the church is simply to tell the thirsty where they can find living water:

“Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:10-14, KJV).


Good News! Our annual Summer Church Picnic is only about five weeks away!!! This year we will have our Summer Church Picnic on Sunday, September 8th, in the beautiful community of Blair. As always, we will omit Matins on that day, and celebrate the Holy Eucharist at 9:30 AM rather than 10:00 AM. Immediately after the Liturgy we leave to enjoy ourselves in Blair. There will be grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, food galore, desserts of every kind, and warm fellowship.

As usual, there will be no cost for the event. We always have a wonderful time at our annual Summer Church Picnic so be sure to invite family and friends. Mark your calendar for Sunday, September 8th, and save the date. Details will follow as the date approaches. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you there!


Adult Christian Education will resume in September, and the date will be announced soon. I will be teaching the course, and class will run from 8:30 to 9:10 AM.

This class may well run through the entire Fall 2019—Spring 2020 term. It will be an in-depth look at Second Temple Judaism and First Century Christianity. This is the era into which Jesus was born, ministered, died and rose from the dead, as well as the era of the Apostolic Church. 

You will learn many things that you never knew before, and unlearn some things that you thought you knew. Thanks to the explosive growth in knowledge of this pivotal era we have more information today than ever before. We know more about this era, and its beliefs and practices, than anyone has know since the Second Century. 

We will take a close look at the earliest Church, study the Scriptures within their proper cultural context, review the latest archeological discoveries, learn about the Dead Sea Scrolls, study in detail the Didache (cir. AD 45) the original church manual, and much, much more. The “faith once and for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3) is not found in the 1950s, the 16th century, the 11th century, or even the fourth century. It is found in the first century — and it is that century that we will be studying in depth.

If you would like to get a good overview of this important time in preparation for the course, I can highly recommend a book to you. It is titled, From the Maccabees to the Mishnah, by Shaye Cohen, and published by Westminster John Knox Press.

The book is now in its third edition. The eighth chapter is new, and may or may not be as good (I have an earlier edition of the book), but I know that the rest of the book is excellent. You can buy it through Amazon. Here is the link;

I hope that you will consider purchasing and reading this book. It will give you the historical background needed to get so much more from your reading of the Holy Scriptures, from what you hear from the pulpit and what we will be studying in our Adult Christian Education class this Fall. From the Maccabees to the Mishnah covers four centuries, from 200 BC to AD 200Believe me, it is not a difficult read, and is well worth the investment. Enjoy! 


In September I will be celebrating thirty-five (35) years in ordained ministry, and Cheri and I will be celebrating thirty-five (35) years in ministry together. We can hardly believe it. The time has gone by so quickly. We have served in the ministry in four States. I have pastored, done para-church ministry, taught in college, edited a national Church periodical, been a Provincial Ecumenical Officer, and more. We have been blessed in so many ways, and we hope that we have been a blessing to others. We know that you have been a blessing to us.

We have not yet set a date to celebrate our 35th anniversary in ministry, but it will probably be on the last Sunday in September so we can celebrate it with our monthly potluck luncheon. We will keep you informed. Cheri and I genuinely love you and we always will. Thank you for being a part of our lives. We are not just a congregation, we are family.


Our parish food bins are about three quarters full. If we all make an effort we should be able to fill them them to overflowing on Sunday so this much needed food can be taken to the Open Door Mission where it can bless those most in need. Food of all kinds is needed, but right now the Open Door Mission is asking especially for boxed macaroni and cheese dinners, and canned fruit. Thank you!


Sunday Matins is at 9:15 AM, followed by the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist at 10:00 AM, with fellowship and refreshments after the Liturgy. Everyone is invited to attend and visitors are always welcome. We are a faithful and friendly congregation, and we have a place for you. We hope to see you on Sunday!



Fr. Victor Novak
7545 Main Street
Ralston, Nebraska 68127
(402) 573-6558